What Is UPS ID And UPS Account Number

By Gavin | March 09, 2022

When new to the UPS business, we often hear veterans talk about UPS ID and UPS Account Number.

Today we will explain what UPS ID and UPS Account are and how they differ.

What Is The Difference Between UPS ID And UPS Account


What is the difference between your UPS.com ID and your UPS Account when shipping and completing tasks on UPS.com

You can create a UPS.com ID at any time, and this is how you log in on the official UPS.com website. It means that when you want to log in to the official UPS website, you use the ID to log in.


Once logged in, the system allows you to save frequently used information to your profile. You can also set preferences, access your address book, and view shipping pickup and tracking history easily.

If you sign up for UPS My Choice service, you can order packaging supplies and more.

You can view and change received shipments in your delivery schedule, set up alerts for driver instructions, and much more.

UPS Account

On the other hand, UPS Account Number is a convenient way to do this.

Pay weekly shipping instead of one at a time. Up to five different UPS ID users can use the same billing UPS Account.

So all your expenses are collected in one handy invoice, which is also your tool for setting up a regular pickup schedule.

Do I Need A UPS Account

If your business regularly ships using UPS Post services, or if you have multiple team members responsible for shipping. Then signing up for a UPS Account can help you streamline the shipping process.

This will significantly reduce your team's shipping time and improve shipping efficiency.

All of your UPS shipping charges can be paid in a lump sum on your weekly billing invoice at no additional cost.

Your colleagues can all use the same UPS Account to ship.

Up to five authorized users can create the same UPS Account to ship packages or order supplies. Up to five UPS IDs can all use the same UPS Account.

The above article has detailed the difference between UPS ID and Account.

You can also use it to authorize a recipient or third party to use your UPS Account for billing purposes.

You can also easily set up a recurring pickup schedule with one pickup per day on the preferred days of the week or automatic pickup when a shipment is created.

Please remember that you can always ship without an account as a logged-in user or as a guest using a payment card or other payment method.

Therefore, we do need a UPS Account. Still, your team's situation can determine whether we need to create a new account ourselves.


UPS ID and UPS Account are two different concepts with different uses in the system and at the time of payment.

Having said that, newbies still need to actually do it. It will immediately understand the role and difference between the two.

I hope today's article is helpful to you.